Thursday, March 3, 2016


   Filipino wooden slippers also known as "Bakya" were once the most commonly used footwear in the Philippines before the introduction of rubber sandals. It is used for everyday in around the household. This footwear is made from local light wood like santol and laniti. It is cut to the desired foot size before being shaven until smooth. The side of the bakya is think enough to be carved with floral, geometric or landscape designs. Afterwards, the bakya could be painted or varnished. Uppers of plastics or rybber will then be fastened using clavitos (tiny nails) and the bakya is now ready to wear.  —Google

   The bakya was very popular in the 1950's and was a common souvenir for Tourists visiting the country.

   In the past, Bakya is often used or worn by Filipino women in bygone days... especially when laundry is still done in unpolluted creeks. However, the bakya industry dwindled with the introduction of rubber slippers. Today it is rarely used although it is a common footwear used during cultural presentations.

   A very interesting and lively dance called "Bakya Dance". Where in a playful mood, young boys and girls are most likely teasing each other rythmically with their "Bakya".

   For Filipinos, it is a protection and adornment for the feet, in any form, weave tales of history, social stature and traditonal footwear. Until we have integrated the use of some components of western dress, specifically footwear, in our way of native dressing.

   Footwear in Filipino society have eventually become an instrument for labelling and separating people according to its social status— with the "Sapatos" for the higher class, the "Tsinelas" for the middle class, and the "Bakya" for the lowly.

   Today, Filipinos are described as fashionable and well-dressed. Our design taste has been accurately labeled as global. Hence, Filipino footwear designers have been quickly recognized in our country and in fashion capitals of the world.

    Modern-day "Bakya" has found its way into fashion industry. By carving and painting wooden heels, stylizing old forms, and mixing new materials, the traditional shoe is given a new life and is now worn with prestige and elegance in the society. 

    From a traditional Filipino version of the wooden slippers, bakya as footwear return or stage a comeback in this era as more fashionable bakya with more detailed and include carved details, embroidered straps, a rework of iconic silhouettes and a creation of one-of-a-kind piece that stand at par with any other footwear design.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Setting Free

    Setting Free doesn't always mean letting go of someone you love. 

   Sometimes, setting free means; Letting all the hatred and pain go away. Let go the trust issues and problems not the person you love. It's the best thing to do to make things right. If you think the relationship is not working or you just keep running around the bush with all your issues, maybe it's the right time now to think and realize your flaws.

   It's not about giving up your principles, but it's all about "Giving up the fight, instead of lossing the ones you loved".

Monday, February 8, 2016


I can't even say that I feel for you right now if you’ve just broken up with someone. You’re probably feeling like the pain is too much; that you just want to recover, and to know how to get over the relationship as quickly as possible. 

If you have a tendency to suffer from depression then now’s the time to act, before it gets any worse and complicates your recovery.  I’m sure you’re feeling bad enough already, without the added strain of real depression.

Maybe you saw it coming, or perhaps the dreadful news came completely out of the blue. No matter how it happened, you’re probably feeling hurt, angry and in depression. In many ways, it’s just like suffering from a physical illness because you can feel out of control and simply terrible.

The good thing is: YOU WILL RECOVER. At the first quarter of a break up many of us suffer and feeling like we couldn’t stand again after falling. But just believe in yourself and know that you have the strength to do it.

The bad thing is: it may not happen as fast as you want it to.  And it may not happen as fast as the people around you want it to either. The length of suffering depends on how much you want to prolong the agony and burden that you are in to. But if you think it’s enough, you have to do something without thinking of others.


If there’s any chance at all that you may be able to rescue the relationship and you still want to fight for it, my advice is you have to recall all the things that happened between you and your partner. If you think that your decision about breaking up with your partner just because of that certain issue you fought before is not a valid reason to end a relationship, then you have to go back to where it all started. Sometimes, giving each other a chance to speak out and talk about how you both feel can help you settle things and work it out all over again.

You can address many factors now which will help you to have a good decisions. At the very least, being polite and civil can go a long way. However much you don't like each other right now, it’s too late for arguing.  Arguments will only lead to further hurt and burden to both of you.

Monday, February 1, 2016


The most important thing is to have a good relationship with our partner... Trust, communication and loyalty are the keys to any good relationship because when one of the hose is broken, the relationship loses value. If a feeling of hurt arises, the love may fade away... 


It is important in a relationship to win each other’s trust because you have to be able to know if you are sharing your feelings and heart with someone who really care about you and enough to keep certain things between the two of you and not sharing it with other, especially the personal things about you and about your relationship. 


Communication is important because we all know that we were not given the ability to read someone else mind, although life would be so much easier if we could.... and men are particularly bad at knowing how a women is feeling they always need to be told. 


Loyalty is one of the most important things in the relationship. Without loyalty we cannot assure anything to work. Here is a question for you… Do you want the person you are with to be with someone else? If you do, then start asking yourself if you truly love them. If you think you are still confused, try to find yourself by giving each other the space you need.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Health Benefits of Strong Relationships

The word Relationship does not only focus between two individual or between couple. Or what we commonly consider as a romantic or sexual friendship between two people. A simple definition of relationship can be: the way in which two or more people, groups of individual, relationships between countries talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other. It is also the way in which two or more people in particular are connected towards each other.

Good connections can improve health and increase longevity or it can provide each individual a long life.

For many of us, we usually get along with the people around us during holiday seasons, because that’s the only time we could have family gatherings, and the only moment that we can get together with friends, and participate in special religious, community, and workplace activities. Well, such occasions are an opportunity to check in with each other, exchange ideas, and perhaps lend a supportive ear or shoulder. 

But how about when it’s not holiday season? 

Most of us focus on our studies, work and our personal lives. But we should also come to think of best thing that can relieve our stress for our own good. Most of the people who are workaholic and those who don’t have social lives because they are so busy in their job have the higher rate for depression and other disease or complications with regards to our health.

According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch, Social connections like these not only give us pleasure, they also influence our long-term health in ways every bit as powerful as adequate sleep, a good diet, and not smoking. Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends, and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.

Conversely, a relative lack of social ties is associated with depression and later-life cognitive decline, as well as with increased mortality. One study, which examined data from more than 309,000 people, found that lack of strong relationships increased the risk of premature death from all causes by 50%, an effect on mortality risk roughly comparable to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, and greater than obesity and physical inactivity.

The quality of our relationships matters. We all know that not every relationship is healthy, just for example: A relationship that often encounters conflict between their members can only give each other something to think of. Over thinking is another reason for us to lose focus in our daily activity. Going out and taking a little break can help relieve and avoid tension within oneself. Social interaction with others and hanging out with friends is one of the best thing to do when you are fed up with all of the problems in a relationship.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


“I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to commit to me. I deserve better than that; I AM BETTER THAN THAT...Goodbye.”

― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Human experiences place us in a certain situation where we decided to put everything to an end. Some says it’s not the best thing to do, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. Breaking Up or withdrawing in the relationship may help both of you in many instances. It may be the end of something you used to hold on to but it may also mean “A New Beginning”. LETTING GO is never been easy for someone who loves so much. But for those people who were in the a long term and one sided relationship that is not working out, maybe this is the best decision you could do to save yourself and save a little respect you still have for your partner.

Realizing that you are worth fighting for is never wrong. It only means that you know yourself better than anybody else. You know that you deserve to be respected, you deserve to be loved more than loving someone, and you deserve someone who is willing to be committed on you.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Overcoming Stress in a Relationship

      When you are stressed you can become less-than-careful with the person you love. You may utter painful words to them, hurt them and sometimes you find yourself hating them for some no-good-reason. Sometimes, you become so selfish. You concentrate on your own situation and forget how it affects your partner. Soon you will come to realize that things doesn't work at all, and ultimately this could lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

  We have to make your relationship a priority. And you have to pay attention to the difference between the sexes… It is not easy to understand your partner. But since you are in a relationship you shouldn’t focus on your own understanding. Giving each other the opportunity to speak out and express each other’s feelings can help both of you to have a deeper understanding on things you both believe.

  There are different ways that both men and women kill a relationship without releasing each other or without breaking up with each other. Here are some advises that can help you to try working on by yourself to save your relationship with your partner.


 Some women feel like “Real Man” doesn’t exist… that that “he” is impossible to find. And that’s one reason why some women never had contentment with their partner. They deny that they want a “Real Man”… a PERFECT ONE. But deep in their soul they wanted a perfect man who will follow and understand everything they say. And that’s a big no-no for the Women. Men primarily want to be king of their castle, to be the ruler not the one who should follow the rules, to be loved unconditionally by their woman, to be trusted all the time and to make their woman happy and contented. We cannot avoid them from doing foolishness because “BOYS ARE BOYS”, Women should understand that. Relationship ‘killers’ will cause your man to become stressed, frustrated or even aggressive and he will often withdraw. This destroys any chance of true intimacy in a relationship.

  Ways women kill a relationship

 1. By threatening or actually withdrawing love.

 Breaking up with your partner is not the best decision of all the pain and hurt you've been through. The best thing to do is try to be more understanding during fights and try not to end up breaking up with your partner. You will not just hurt him but you will also hurt your own feelings.

2. By criticising him.

 Women are often open when it talks about their feelings. They always open it up and speaking out when they were hurt, stress or they were in the bad mood. So here's for you if you are very open to your partner, that even a single or small mistake you always want to argue with it with your partner. Men just want you to understand them; try to listen to them before you speak out. Try to seat back, and try to relax yourself and talk to your partner with a sense of care and love. Show men that you are afraid of losing them by not freaking out or raising your voice.

 3. By taking control.

 Don't freak out! That's the thing. When you see a picture in your partner phone together with other women in the club, try not to freak out. The right thing to do is... ask them in a good manner that will not hit their ego. Men are very sensitive when it talks about being a man.

4. By not acknowledging or appreciating him.

 Some men are very insensitive, they don't actually notice everything. But when guys do that crazy effort get that opportunity to thank them for all their efforts. Men don't do that all the time, not unless they really love you. See their work and appreciate it no matter how small or big that is. That's their happiness! Making you happy is all that your partner wants.

 5. By challenging him

 Challenging him won't make them stay. It won't make them really the worth of your relationship. It will only ruin what you've started. Try to give all the trust to them. Trust issue ruins everything you've started. From the smallest happy memories to the happiest memories you have. Never say "IF YOU WAN'T ME YOU SHOULD DO THAT AND THAT". Being so tight in a relationship will only push them away and withdraw.


  Women may seem like complex emotional beings; from being so happy now and mad later on, from good mood to acting like a DRAGON. Yet they are often just looking for their core needs to be met. Being sensitive is a part of being a woman. They just want to feel safe, secure and cherished. Like little girls dream of being the princess rescued by her knight in shining armour who whisks her away to his castle. A woman wants to be treated like a baby, and showing them like they are the most beautiful woman in the world is all they want. Meet those needs, and you’ll experience the relationship of your dreams.

  Ways men kill a relationship

 1. By forgetting to compliment her.

 A woman wants to be complimented by everything she does, from tip to tip. If you are the type of man who is not that censorious atleast one at the time see what she is doing for you. Women tend to be good and beautiful just for you. Appreciate it to avoid conflicts, even though you are into a bad situation. It might help both of you to establish a good rapport again.

2. By being indecisive or uncertain.

 A woman wants to feel like they are wanted by their partner. That's the problem when men are not that sure with their female partner. They often hang out with other people not thinking that their partner already felt that feeling of being unloved and being unwanted by their partner. If you are not that sure with your female partner, try to look for a reason to see the worth of that woman. If you think she is not the one you like but you can't let her go atleast try to open your heart to them and you will see that she is does not deserve to be treated to be unwanted. She has every potential you want to see in a woman but because of the situation your into you feel like she is not the right woman.

 3. By not making her feel looked after or protected

 A woman wants to feel like she is a baby, that being cared of and protected by her parents. One’s a woman feels like you are not afraid of losing her you might make her feel confused that she should already withdraw in the relationship. If you are into a big trouble with your partner, never make her feel unwanted, like you don't care at all.

4. By not focusing on her or the relationship.

 Showing a woman that you don’t commit on her may lead into misunderstanding. Never show a woman that you are up to something while she is waiting for you to take a few steps to tell her you still need her in your life. Never make a woman jealous of somebody else; others should be jealous to her. And when you are talking never use your Phone. Listen to her.

 5. By not making time for her

 A woman wants a full attention from their partner, especially when you are in bad term. Not because you have problem doesn't mean you will not going to see her at all, or you will find time with others instead of giving it to her. It’s a big no-no for men. You will only make her feel unwanted. For a woman it's like you are saying "Go! I'm tired of you" and "I don't need you" by action.