Monday, February 8, 2016


I can't even say that I feel for you right now if you’ve just broken up with someone. You’re probably feeling like the pain is too much; that you just want to recover, and to know how to get over the relationship as quickly as possible. 

If you have a tendency to suffer from depression then now’s the time to act, before it gets any worse and complicates your recovery.  I’m sure you’re feeling bad enough already, without the added strain of real depression.

Maybe you saw it coming, or perhaps the dreadful news came completely out of the blue. No matter how it happened, you’re probably feeling hurt, angry and in depression. In many ways, it’s just like suffering from a physical illness because you can feel out of control and simply terrible.

The good thing is: YOU WILL RECOVER. At the first quarter of a break up many of us suffer and feeling like we couldn’t stand again after falling. But just believe in yourself and know that you have the strength to do it.

The bad thing is: it may not happen as fast as you want it to.  And it may not happen as fast as the people around you want it to either. The length of suffering depends on how much you want to prolong the agony and burden that you are in to. But if you think it’s enough, you have to do something without thinking of others.


If there’s any chance at all that you may be able to rescue the relationship and you still want to fight for it, my advice is you have to recall all the things that happened between you and your partner. If you think that your decision about breaking up with your partner just because of that certain issue you fought before is not a valid reason to end a relationship, then you have to go back to where it all started. Sometimes, giving each other a chance to speak out and talk about how you both feel can help you settle things and work it out all over again.

You can address many factors now which will help you to have a good decisions. At the very least, being polite and civil can go a long way. However much you don't like each other right now, it’s too late for arguing.  Arguments will only lead to further hurt and burden to both of you.

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