Thursday, March 3, 2016


   Filipino wooden slippers also known as "Bakya" were once the most commonly used footwear in the Philippines before the introduction of rubber sandals. It is used for everyday in around the household. This footwear is made from local light wood like santol and laniti. It is cut to the desired foot size before being shaven until smooth. The side of the bakya is think enough to be carved with floral, geometric or landscape designs. Afterwards, the bakya could be painted or varnished. Uppers of plastics or rybber will then be fastened using clavitos (tiny nails) and the bakya is now ready to wear.  —Google

   The bakya was very popular in the 1950's and was a common souvenir for Tourists visiting the country.

   In the past, Bakya is often used or worn by Filipino women in bygone days... especially when laundry is still done in unpolluted creeks. However, the bakya industry dwindled with the introduction of rubber slippers. Today it is rarely used although it is a common footwear used during cultural presentations.

   A very interesting and lively dance called "Bakya Dance". Where in a playful mood, young boys and girls are most likely teasing each other rythmically with their "Bakya".

   For Filipinos, it is a protection and adornment for the feet, in any form, weave tales of history, social stature and traditonal footwear. Until we have integrated the use of some components of western dress, specifically footwear, in our way of native dressing.

   Footwear in Filipino society have eventually become an instrument for labelling and separating people according to its social status— with the "Sapatos" for the higher class, the "Tsinelas" for the middle class, and the "Bakya" for the lowly.

   Today, Filipinos are described as fashionable and well-dressed. Our design taste has been accurately labeled as global. Hence, Filipino footwear designers have been quickly recognized in our country and in fashion capitals of the world.

    Modern-day "Bakya" has found its way into fashion industry. By carving and painting wooden heels, stylizing old forms, and mixing new materials, the traditional shoe is given a new life and is now worn with prestige and elegance in the society. 

    From a traditional Filipino version of the wooden slippers, bakya as footwear return or stage a comeback in this era as more fashionable bakya with more detailed and include carved details, embroidered straps, a rework of iconic silhouettes and a creation of one-of-a-kind piece that stand at par with any other footwear design.


  1. This is a helpful blog, I've been searching for a cute pair for a while now. I was able to see the label on the CraftHawaii pair in the photo above and found their website. If you live in the sates these are super hard to locate so thanks so much!
